We’re building a new kind of tech company: hyper-focused on transparency, social impact & putting people first.
We’re unraveling echo chambers and giving you better tools to stay informed:
Stay informed with news from trusted sources of all types and sizes
Politics, Sports, Tech, Entertainment, Science, Finance, Business, Lifestyle, Health + more
Decipher between news and noise
Mobile, tablet, bright, dark, web or reader
Explore how different sources cover the same story and compare fact checks from around the web
Help improve the media landscape by reviewing coverage on its fairness, accuracy & quality
We’ll never use your browsing history or personal attributes to determine the content that you see. Perigon vows to avoid technology that builds echo chambers or harbors confirmation bias.
You have the right to know what’s under the hood, especially when it comes to the information that you consume. We vow to be clear in our strategy and design systems.
Our objective is to build tools that make it easier for you to realize perspective and stay informed. Perigon is not the arbiter of truth.
When in doubt, we’ll look to the four principals in the Society of Professional Journalists’ Code of Ethics.
Like every other organization, we’re bound to make mistakes along the way. We commit to accountability, and owning-up to our mistakes.